My name is Oshane Simpson, born and raised in Jamaica now am residing in America. I am a lover of nature and try as best to understand, inner-stand and over stand more about nature, the universe and the connection to self.

I started my health journey watching lectures of Dr Sebi, then I changed my eating lifestyle. I fell in love with his teachings  and subscribe to his nutritional guide.

Thinking of my dad that is sick and wanting to ameliorate his condition at cost effective l learned more about foods and herbal remedies. As I learn more about herbs and natural foods and applied what I learn to my daily living, I could feel a positive change within my mind, body and spirit.

I started giving health advise to people so I decide to make herbal remedies to sell, within the small community of Panama City Beach I realise that people starting to be aware of the negative effects of the foods they give us and seeking a better way out but doesn’t know where or who to turn to. I started doing more research on herbs and formulas to assistance the awaken state of who needed the help and I got encouragement from people that see my work to do more.

I then stumbled on a video on youtube label “FOOD MATRIX” a high vibrational conversation with 19KEYs and YAHKI RAFIEL (YAHKIAWAKEN) where I was inspired to learn the biochemical makeup of the human body, botanical plants and to combine both together to assist the natural healing process of the body.

I now started experimenting on herbs and formulas with the support of my close friends which I got great results from my formulas of the intended benefit. I gain more confidence in administering herbs to help heal my dad and people around me.

I establish this brand (@SHANE.HERBS) to share my lifestyle of holistic health and healing, being the change I want to see in the world, knowing thy self, living in love, contributing to universe by helping others on their journey and to obey the laws of nature.

@SHANE.HERBS formulas are made with love, with 100% natural herbs, carefully selected from sources of their natural habitat to get the best and potent effects. Put together in a positive environment that is free from negativity to get the highest of vibration when consumed.

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