Iron is a critical element in the formation of red blood cells, which are responsible for moving oxygen around the body. Iron also has a critical role in growth, development, energy, and hormone production.

An inadequate dietary intake of iron can lead to Iron deficiency anemia, while a moderately inadequate amount will reduce your levels of energy and impair your ability to heal. Plant-based diets obviously exclude animal-based sources of iron (meat and fish). So, how do we meet our plant-based iron requirements?

Iron is an essential mineral that’s needed for making haemoglobin, a protein found in red blood cells that helps transport oxygen around the body. It plays a key role in supporting the immune system, too.1 Iron also helps maintain our energy levels, regulate body temperature and may even improve athletic performance.2 If you don’t get enough iron, you can feel tired and may be more susceptible to infections.3 A severe lack of iron could even lead to iron deficiency anaemia, which causes pale skin, feeling out of breath and heart palpitations

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